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Discover more 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto Pokemon:

Ponyta/Rapidash 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto October

2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto Cards

We track 48 players in 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto cards set including Arbok/Slowpoke, Arcanine/Primeape, Beedrill/Weedle, Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle, Butterfree/Vileplume, Chansey/Lickitung, Clefable/Clefairy/Cubone, Cloyster/Tentacruel, Dewgong/Lapras, and Diglett/Dugtrio/Voltorb.

Sports Card Investor also tracks a total of 48 cards in the 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto set.

The top trending card in 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto is currently Ponyta/Rapidash 2013 Japanese Hanafuda Kanto October.

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