How To Pick Which Cards You’d Like To Sell on eBay
Ebay is the premier marketplace for card buyers and sellers. While the popular platform makes it a point to ensure processes for both parties run as smoothly as possible, it can all still be pretty intimidating for those trying to maneuver their way around the site. And it’s for that reason Sports Card Investor has partnered with eBay for a series of articles and complementing videos that address a number of topics that are integral to positive buying and selling experiences.
There are countless reasons as to why you might want to sell sports cards on eBay. You may need the cash. You might just want to clear out space in your house. Whatever the inspiration, after you decide you’re selling, you need to figure out which cards you’re going to list. The three following tips will go a long way to helping you sort through that potential quandary.
Move Unwanted Product
Remember that one guy you bought into two postseasons ago because you thought he was going to be the next Ted Williams? Seeing as how that prediction never panned out, now is probably a good time to get rid of most of those cards. Besides cutting your losses of unwanted inventory, low-dollar cards are likely taking up too much room in your life—literally. It’s time to de-clutter.
Know What to Ship
Be careful about selling one-offs from your lower-dollar stash. The card you’re dealing may not even be worth the postage. In those instances, consider using eBay’s standard envelopes for singles or putting a group of like cards together in a lot. The latter will look more appealing to buyers and make more financial sense to you as the seller.
Be Ready to Flip
There are some collectors who wouldn’t dream of selling anything from their PC. But if the situation presents itself, some savvy sellers move a portion of their PC at a premium with the belief that they may be able to buy back those same cards at a lower price later.
Shohei Ohtani is a perfect example. When the L.A. Angels wunderkind was sizzling back in June/July, an Ohtani collector could have sold his 2018 Topps Chrome PSA 10 for $500-plus. Sure, there’s a chance the card could have gone up more, but in this case, even the president of the Ohtani Fan Club knew he couldn’t sustain his amazing numbers forever. And sure enough, his play cooled ever so slightly and those ’18 Chrome rookies fell to $300-350. Had you made the move then, you could’ve had the card back in your PC and earned an extra $100-200 in your wallet.
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